Energy efficiency upgrades to homes and workplaces can make radon levels worse. Efficiency improvements are a key plank in addressing climate change, but we want to make sure lung health is protected. Our research analyzes the problem and offers solutions.

Our scientific advisor, Dr. Anne-Marie Nicol, has an in-depth blog post on balancing energy retrofits and indoor air quality. See the post here.

In Energy Efficiency and Radon: Making the Connection our scientific advisors review academic literature that makes the link.

In Energy Efficiency and Radon: Recognizing Legal Liabilities our lawyer reviews the law and finds there is a duty of care on personnel in the energy efficiency industry to ensure home occupants are warned and not put at elevated health risk.

In Energy Efficiency and Radon: Gaps in the System we analyze the current energy efficiency system in Canada and find serious gaps in protection from radon.

In Energy Efficiency and Radon: Solutions Moving Forward we suggest concrete changes, including new guidance from Natural Resources Canada, ensuring energy advisors are trained in radon, and that radon mitigation be considered a vital part of the energy upgrade process by contractors, grant programs and lenders.

In Energy Efficiency and Radon: Guide for Renovation we set out step by step how renovators can meet the standard of care for protecting clients from radon.

In Summer 2021 we engaged in outreach on improving the Canada Greener Homes grant through including radon mitigation costs. See our blog post and the letter BC Lung co-signed to Natural Resources Minister Seamus O’Regan.

Questions? Contact Dr. Noah Quastel at or 778-709-4496.

This work was generously supported by the Real Estate Foundation of BC and the Vancouver Foundation.